The Vadnais Heights City Council voted on at a special meeting on January 16, 2019 and selected Robert (Bob) Morse as a new council member to fill an opening vacated by newly elected Mayor Heidi Gunderson. The Council interviewed a total of seven candidates to fill the vacancy.
Bob Morse, a Senior Community Business Banker at MidCountry Bank in White Bear Lake has served on the VHEDC board since 2012. In addition to serving as a board member on VHEDC, he also is an active member of the Rotary Club of White Bear Lake Area, serves on the Board of Directors and VP of Development for the WBL Educational Foundation, member of the Strategic Planning Team of 30 and action committee for District 624, long time board member and former Treasurer for Northeast Residence Inc, and presently Co-Chair and VH Representative for Bus Rapid Transit Community Advisory Committee, among others.
Due to this appointment, he will step away from his board seat on the VHEDC Board of Directors immediately. VHEDC Executive Director Ling Becker stated, “Bob is extremely supportive of the area business community and understands the importance of having a business-friendly climate in the City. Bob has contributed a tremendous amount of time and energy into the work of the VHEDC and has especially guided and supported the workforce development efforts we are actively engaged in. We will miss him very much on the Board but I look forward to working with him as he serves on the City Council.”
Bob will be sworn in at the upcoming City Council meeting on January 22, 2019. His term will run through January 4, 2021.
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