The Vadnais Heights Economic Development Corporation (VHEDC) has partnered with RealTime Talent to implement The Vadnais Heights Talent Exchange, a cutting-edge, matching technology that provides students, recent graduates and alumni with a free and powerful resource to connect them with growing businesses in Minnesota and across the country.
The VHEDC Talent Exchange uses sophisticated matching algorithms to connect employers to candidates based on skills, interests and requirements. Using correlated question-sets directed to both employers and candidates, the platform systematically aligns talent with opportunity and ultimately reduces potential turnover and overall hiring costs. The collective data and how it relates to real-time market needs and trends will allow VHEDC to better inform and prepare its member organizations and the citizens of Vadnais Heights for the workplace.
“In today’s age of noisy, saturated online jobs boards, employers consistently lack the efficient tools necessary for identifying the qualified candidates needed for growth. The VHEDC is excited to provide them with this first-of-its-kind technology to streamline the recruitment process. At the same time, we are offering a platform to our students, recent graduates and alumni that directly links their individual skills and professional goals with quality internships and jobs,” says Ling Becker, VHEDC’s Executive Director.
The VHEDC Talent Exchange is focused on Minnesota’s employer community – key to the economic growth and sustained quality of life for all Minnesotans. While new to Minnesota, this proven system, powered by the WorkFountain platform, is already in use by thousands of employers and tens of thousands of candidates from across the country and is growing rapidly. To access the VHEDC Talent Exchange, go to
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